where ?
cette fin d'hiver est capricieuse - autant que willow qui veut jouer avec du ruban argenté. j'ai écouté deux fois le dernier album de mansfield.tya et là j'écoute la dernière playlist de cebe barnes. cool.
je fais le tri dans les milliards de liens entassés dans divers [Folder Name] du coup j'ai des choses ouvertes sur le permacomputing (http://viznut.fi/texts-en/permacomputing.html) et le blog de laurel (blog.laurel.world) qui va m'amener vers d'autres chemins, autre part.
il y a aussi the School of Poetic Computation à ré-explorer, avec le syllabus Scrapism (https://github.com/antiboredom/sfpc-scrapism) et le site de Sam Lavigne en parallèole (https://lav.io/)
le nombre de carnets dans lesquelles je note des choses s'est grandement aggrandi. éparpillée à jamais, autant embrasser sa nature.
dans les derniers cailloux (https://cailloux.substack.com/p/96-rever-sincerement)
Joan Didion dans [PDF] On keeping a notebook :
So the point of my keeping a notebook has never been, nor is it now, to have an accurate factual record of what I have been doing or thinking. That would be a different impulse entirely, an instinct for reality which I sometimes envy but do not possess. […] How it felt to me: that is getting closer to the truth about a notebook. I sometimes delude myself about why I keep a notebook, imagine that some thrifty virtue derives from preserving everything observed. […] I imagine, in other words, that the notebook is about other people. But of course it is not. […] Remember what it was to be me: that is always the point. It is a difficult point to admit. We are brought up in the ethic that others, any others, all others, are by definition more interesting than ourselves; taught to be diffident, just this side of self-effacing. […] But our notebooks give us away, for however dutifully we record what we see around us, the common denominator of all we see is always, transparently, shamelessly, the implacable “I.”
Meanwhile, the internet feels limitless, like you’re an all-powerful consciousness surfing the unlimited waves of the web and social media. It’s very relieving. -- https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2021/08/oliver-burkeman-advice-time-productivity/619723/
It is minus many degrees outside, the temperature of another planet. Or of Canada, the realm to which I now inexplicably owe allegiance. It exists as a vortex of concrete and ice crystals, a climate which drives a man to pull on long johns in the morning, snapping his whole body with the brutality of whiplash into middle age. This is what I have done, it is where I have gone. The hot days of youth, sitting under volcanoes and collecting street cats from jungle climes, are long gone. My right knee makes a creaking sound every time it bends, like the wooden beams of a listed building late at night. I find this sound, to my surprise, more pleasant every day. I refuse to examine why.
Here are some things I did in 2021. -- https://brendycaldwell.com/2021/12/30/what-i-did-in-2021/
-- https://www.terrestres.org/2022/03/12/la-terre-a-t-elle-un-inconscient-esquisse-dune-terranalyse/
il y a des esprits aux paupières closes dans les profondeurs de la Terre
-- https://mel-nguyen.com/info
micro-édition zinesque
toujours l'envie de transformer mes zines en html et mes pages html en zines avec des ajouts - annotations bancales. Quels outils ?
pensées flottantes
je reprends la structure html-css de one-year.html et la poussière est belle.
a digital cemetery: où tous les brouillons vont pour périr.